Tuesday, January 6, 2009

s07e23 - Where the Rich Things Are

OK, so I'm jumping ahead a few days (because I'm lazy and cant be arsed blogging my last few days, but I will ... just not yet)
Anyway, here I am back in Pearson International Airport in Toronto waiting to catch my flight back to Las Vegas and I am in the most unusual place I've ever been in an airport.
Thanks to Sarah, my diminutive novel reading Canadian friend, I have a single pass to enjoy the 'Maple Leaf Lounge' which is Air Canada's lounge, obviously, for their more seasoned and possibly a little better off patrons.
The lounge is on the 4th floor, where you are greeted by a large Ukrainian lady who pats you down and asks all sorts of odd questions before taking your pass and allowing you in. Once inside, I had visions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Oompa Loompa's ferrying drinks back and forth and a cheerful manner. I wasn't too far off the mark, as long as you can dial down the Chocolate Factory to a shit load of comfy lounges and replace the Oompa Loompa's with disgruntled looking Latina women.
Hey, I can't complain too much, its as comfy as hell and the Internet is free up here, unlike downstairs where the common folk are .... poor saps, paying for their high speed broadband in their not so comfy chairs.
OK, so my time in the Shangri La of airport lounges is almost up and its time to pack in the laptop and head downstairs for the 5 hour slog back across the country to Las Vegas.
The weather there is pretty ordinary to be honest, but while 10C is still pretty cold, its still 20C warmer than up here, so my acclimatization back to the warm stuff is going to be slow, and in a weeks time rather shocking, but I'm kinda looking forward to it!


Pixie said...

say HEY to Randy for me and get a damn pic!

Anonymous said...

YAY! I'm glad you enjoyed the lounge! They have these really tasty vegetable chips that I should have told you about before. Although, on second thought... you probably wouldnt be as thrilled about them as I am.
No luck with the upgrade certificate?